Wednesday, May 7, 2008


omg it was been too long since i last posted!!! stickam is taking over my life and i can't continue to do it or else i will fail! Haven't been up to much lately except tons of school work... right now i ave finals and last night i pulled an allnighter at the library...who would think taht there would actually be a lot of people there at 4 am?!?! i i have 3 finals left and then i am done! THANK GOD cuz im so sick of college...well im not done with college..but im done with my sophomore year.

american idol was really good tonight..i thought syesha was the strongest followed by archuleta and david cook. Jason castro was so bad i actually got mad. Like he should not be in this part of the competition when he sings like that. He is borign as freaking hell and needs to go today. Syesha;s second song was absolutely amazing~!! that girl can sing and i love her. Arhculeta was really good too. Personally i liked his second song better and i now think that he is going to wint he whole competition.

well im off to go study my life away now! TTYL!!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for a new blogg post. Thought you are completely lost to twitter and stickam :)
Btw your last youtube video was awesome. Keep it up!


Dan said...

haha i am lost on twitter and stickam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...i think thats enough punctuation...thanks so much! im glad it came out so well it took me for freaking ever!

Dalebert said...

Still don't have TV and would not watch the show anyway. However, just found out from YouTube that Archuleta didn't win. I'm shocked and appalled. OK, not really. That Cook guy seems alright, I guess. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan, you are back from California?
I hope you will post some pics and maybe a video of the trip. You liked California? I was there some years ago and it was a awesome experience!!


Dan said...

ya im back from cali now ! it sucks but ya i hope to post some pics and im working on sorting all of my 82 videos that i took :( . . . so it might be a while til i get to editing them