Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fun Game

So today i received a text from one of my friends saying "If you saw a police car with ME in it, what would you think i got arrested for? Answer me, then forward and see how many crimes you get accused of"...well of course I sent it to about 10 people via text and then twittered about it as well...Here are the responses I got...

- Indecent exposure. ha
- wearing just an A&F scarf and shades and forcing your math teacher to give you an A...the hard way ;)
- Drug possession
- Stalking Celebrities
- your ass would get arrested by the fashion police for trying to wear A&F flip flops in the winter
- Die
- I'd think that you got arrested cuz the Cameron persona finally took over and you went apeshit on some boy at A&F
id say you got busted for fighting

which is your favorite@!??!?!!?

Sunday, October 5, 2008


so it is now 3 am Sunday morning and I am sooo not tired!! I just created a new channel so go over there if you havent!! I decided to do my vlogging over there since a lot of my early subscribers on my main channel subscribed to see entertaining pieces. Not that vlogging isnt entertaining...but it targets a different audience.

My new obsession is Alexis Stewart and Jenny Hutt!!!! they are freaking hilariousssssssss here is a video from jenny's youtube page where she posts a bunch of vids around their radio office.

That's about all i have for today..i'm not really in the blogging mood..SORRYYYY


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

TV recaps and fatness@!@!

You dont get a video today cuz youtube is down and I can't look in my we will pretend the video of martha stewart this morning counts...

I filmed the rest of my pet peeves video today so it should be up as soon as youtube is back working. It is 8 minutes long and is quite boring compared to my other videoss so I kind of don't want to post it. I really need to start another channel where I just post crappy videos all the time...

Also, I just got tagged my talltom14 to do a cranberry juice fat flush!! I will be doing that tomorrow night through Friday night! I'm so excited!@! ahhhhh

This is a picture of one of those games that you see on myspace...I particularly liked this one LOL...if you can't read says "tickle the fat kid till he barfs"...let's just say I won

Tonight I watched ANTM and Project Runway. The only girl who is actually pretty on ANTM is Sam but she doesn't have the best pictures all the time. All the other girls look decent with all that makeup on and after editing, but otherwise they are fug... SPOILER: I am very shocked that Clark got kicked out since Josyln's has not had a good photo in WEEKS...

As for project runway...The challenge that they had was to create a gown that was based on a plant they took a picture of. This could have been a very creative task, but I was surprised by the simplicity of their dresses. Even though there was a lot of detail there just didn't seem to be unique shapes like a plant would have. SPOILERS: I am very surprised that Jerell actually won because the bottom of his dress looked tragic. I really liked Korto's dress and everything she has done so far for the most part. Her pieces are very different which make her very interesting. As for who went home...well let's not discuss that...

I missed JDMA last night because my oxygen channel was not coming in for some reason. It was so tragic and depressing. But luckily it is working today and a re-run is on at 11!

So today in spanish class we started watching this movie on euthanasia. It's quite depressing and I am very surprised a profesor would show it. The movie is called Mar Adentro and is about this quadriplegic who doesn't see the point in living anymore. We only got through 20 minutes of the movie so that's about all I know. lol I also had my geography ish quiz today which ended up sucking. The profesor doesn't use the book at all so I am so mad I had to spend $120 on it.

That's all!!




enjoy :)