Sunday, October 5, 2008


so it is now 3 am Sunday morning and I am sooo not tired!! I just created a new channel so go over there if you havent!! I decided to do my vlogging over there since a lot of my early subscribers on my main channel subscribed to see entertaining pieces. Not that vlogging isnt entertaining...but it targets a different audience.

My new obsession is Alexis Stewart and Jenny Hutt!!!! they are freaking hilariousssssssss here is a video from jenny's youtube page where she posts a bunch of vids around their radio office.

That's about all i have for today..i'm not really in the blogging mood..SORRYYYY


1 comment:

miguelj1886 said...

OMG i hate u cuz now u got me OBSESSED with Alexis and Jenny they are SUPER FUNNY!!=)