Monday, April 7, 2008

Migrate bitches

So today consisted of two obsessions...TWITTER...and Migrate by mariah carey! Twitter is amazing and i'm totally addicting...if you dont know what it' sbasically a status update website where you can tell people what you are doing and they can respond...if you have the text updates on its almost like text should get it! NOW

Migrate by mariah is sooooooooooo addicting! i love the beat and the intro and everything about it...i felt like dancing all day so much that i almost danced in the bathroom to it and recorded it on video...well i didnt, but i did take a pic of it...
i really need a haircut...but anyway...i already have it up to 67 playcounts and it has only been 22 hours since i got the song...go find it on youtube or somethign!

other than that i have been reading for my nutrition exam tomorrow...which has got me obsessing about nutrients and crap that im, my advice for the day is to not eat raw egg whites because they inhibit your absorption of biotin and as a result can cause the thinning of hair@!! hope you guys can find that

so i guess i am off to study some more!!! talk to y'all later!!!

Mallow OUT!!!!


AutomaticTLC said...

Migrate, Touch My Body, and O.O.C. are the only songs off her album that I enjoy.

I like the long haiiirrr.

Dalebert said...

I'm scared Twitter will drive me nuts.