Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So ya.............

I never ended up going to the beach the other day... My friends were planning on drinking there and I am NOT into drinking and driving...even if it is only 1 drink...on holidays I always force my mom to let me drive home even though it has been hours since she finished the drink.

Sorry I haven't blogged! AHH All I have been doing in working the past 765432 days. The money has been decent on the weekends but during the week it is tragic. They had me hosting tonight after they cut me off the floor cuz there was drama within te hosting staff...whatever I stayed til like 11:30 and got paid more money than I normally get paid...

I bought the computer game SPORE the other day and am totally confused by its complexity so far. I'm sure I will get used to it but right now there are just SOOOO many things you can do...I'm not sure if I am a fan of it yet though

I haven't had time to film a video either...I am failing so much! I really did not expect to be working this much. I have Thursday off so hopefully I will be able to film, go shopping, clean the house and do whatever else I need to do in 1 day... Maybe I should stop staying up til 5 am so I don't sleep til 2 then have to go to work at 5. I haven't even been online that much lately either. I feel so disconnected! I checked my twitter for the first time in 2 days and I had so many @replies I felt bad I had not replied to some of them...but then 2 days later it's just like eh what's the point now...

Only a little over a month until 789!!! AHH WHO IS EXCITED!??!?!?!? I still haven't told my mom and my brother's birthday is the 11th so hopefully he won't come home...cuz I won't be there...

I'm not sure what else I have to update you on...if I think of anything I will be sure to post it...obviously I havent been going anywhere so I haven't taken pictures for you guys! SORRY!!!#$##

Dan :)

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