Thursday, February 18, 2010

Babz and Karaoke

Hey Chicos!

Just wanted to update y'all! I really hate when I say y'all...I don't know how or when I started saying it, but it has been bothering me lately. I'm not from the South so it is quite disturbing...ANYWAY...

I have been meaning to get my mom back on my channel for some time now and we finally ended up filming something. I called her up while she was at work and was just like "WE ARE FILMING WHEN YOU GET HOME". She responded "OK! my hair looks good today". Now you all know where I get it from. This is what we ended up discussing...

Also, last Saturday I ended up going to NYC to meet up with some other youtubers for the day. At first I met up with @petrilude while we waited for @thewillofdc and @soundlyawake to get their shit together and meet us at Bubba's for lunch. I love that we went to that restaurant and 3 out of 4 of us don't even like/eat seafood. I just got a burger or at Chile's they call it the OLDTIMER...ew...and then they ask you to "top" the oldtimer ... no thanks... I digress...we wanted to sit in @loserluigi's section so we asked for "yeison", because that is his name. I guess the host thought we said "jason" so we end up getting sent to the back of the restaurant with some guy named Jason. It was really awkward because the guy probably heard that we "requested" to be in his section. Oh well...
After that, Nick and Will had to pick up some pottery somewhere far away so I tagged along with Josh on his search for Ben Nye and 50% off jewelry. We first went to this place called Alcone. It was a little shop with 3 women gossiping behind the counter. Then, in walks (slides) an old woman with a walker. Fine, fine...but what's giving me a red rump is that she was wearing more eye makeup than @juicystar07 and @allthatglitters21 put together. Turns out the old woman was just picking up some makeup wipes...ho should've at least purchased the large pack...
After that we hit up a bunch of jewelry shops that promoted their 50% sale (today only) on their windows and most of their interior walls. Turns out that they have that sale every day of the year. They have a decal of the sale on the window so it's not like they can take it down when the sale is over the "next day".
At this point my phone battery was about 60% depleted and it was only around 5 pm. I somehow had to make that last til 4 am so we decided to go to Starbucks and charge it up. We stuck around there for a while and then met up with some other peeps for karaoke!
We ended up going to this place called Duet where you reserve a private room and have your own little karaoke party. To see who ended up going check out the footage I compiled here...

Overall the day was pretty epic...except that I had to leave NYC at 1 am so that I could get home by 5 am so that I could work the same day...(which ended up being a disaster because it was Valentine's Day)

So that's about all the excitement I have had in the past week...


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