Hey guys!!! This past weekend was sooooo exciting, exhausting, interesting, scary, fun, delicious and life changing. If you didn't know, I went to the youtube gathering in New York City from Thursday (7/9/09) until Sunday (7/12/09). I figured I will make a few separate blogs for each of the days and then one for just pictures so it is easier to read. So here is what we did on 7/9/09...
Tom (talltom14) , Joey (@joeyjawcut) and I picked up Jess (jstevens428) from the airport in the morning and made it to NYC at about 2 pm. Jess was so much fun right off the bat and it was not even awkward meeting her. I think that blogtv made it so much easier to interactive with everyone IRL. So we met up with Sam (samthereforeiam) and Andy (nanooboy) soon after and checked into the W Hotel! It was sooo hot. The lobby was always full of hot people dressed in suits and little black dresses. But when we got to the room, we looked over at the bathroom and saw that the door and walls to the bathroom were frosted glass and that you could see the silhouette of the person using it on the glass. This was a little awkward, but luckily there was another bathroom in the lobby. They should really warn u about things like these.
After that we headed to Chipotle to get something to eat. As I was in the bathroom there, Jeffrey (kooljeffrey), Kristin (kristinsaine), Will (thewillofdc), and Andrea (aiadriano) walked in too. I come out of the bathroom and basically freak out and am in shock that we would happen to be eating at the same place in NYC at the same time. But ya that was fun. I will post pics in another blog.
After that we headed to Columbus Circle where we met up with some other youtubers...I actually don't really remember what happened, except that we had pinkberry afterward.
At night we ended up going over to the Belvedere and hung out with the bitches and gossiped for a few hours :)
The first dat was pretty laid back. It was sooo much fun meeting everyone and like I said before it really wasn't awkward at all. It felt like we already had been IRL friends for years.
Read my next blog to find out what happened on 7/10/09...