OMG! so @petrilude posted a twitpic of this game for N64 called Conker's Bad Fur if you never played this game...let me just tell you, it is REDIC! I can't even was sexual, gross, hilarious and just EFFED up. I don't exactly remember the premise of the game, but do recall this one task where you had to collect these "tickly bees" to tickle this shy sunflower who had a chest bigger than busty heart. By doing so, you would be able to open her up so that this king bee guy could pollinate her...if you want the full this video...
This was just one totally crazy thing that the game made you do...there was also a level that was made out of poo...and one that resembled a scene from THE MATRIX. It was actually really fun and I recommend it as a decent multiplayer game for a party or something! It will bring many LOLs...
that's all...
Wow I'm surprised that game made it past the ESRP or whatever that group is that rates video games
I'll pollinate you baby. eww
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