Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So ya.............

I never ended up going to the beach the other day... My friends were planning on drinking there and I am NOT into drinking and driving...even if it is only 1 drink...on holidays I always force my mom to let me drive home even though it has been hours since she finished the drink.

Sorry I haven't blogged! AHH All I have been doing in working the past 765432 days. The money has been decent on the weekends but during the week it is tragic. They had me hosting tonight after they cut me off the floor cuz there was drama within te hosting staff...whatever I stayed til like 11:30 and got paid more money than I normally get paid...

I bought the computer game SPORE the other day and am totally confused by its complexity so far. I'm sure I will get used to it but right now there are just SOOOO many things you can do...I'm not sure if I am a fan of it yet though

I haven't had time to film a video either...I am failing so much! I really did not expect to be working this much. I have Thursday off so hopefully I will be able to film, go shopping, clean the house and do whatever else I need to do in 1 day... Maybe I should stop staying up til 5 am so I don't sleep til 2 then have to go to work at 5. I haven't even been online that much lately either. I feel so disconnected! I checked my twitter for the first time in 2 days and I had so many @replies I felt bad I had not replied to some of them...but then 2 days later it's just like eh what's the point now...

Only a little over a month until 789!!! AHH WHO IS EXCITED!??!?!?!? I still haven't told my mom and my brother's birthday is the 11th so hopefully he won't come home...cuz I won't be there...

I'm not sure what else I have to update you on...if I think of anything I will be sure to post it...obviously I havent been going anywhere so I haven't taken pictures for you guys! SORRY!!!#$##

Dan :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm Off...

I'm off to the beach today!! I don't go in the water or take my shirt off but I still like to tan and get sun poisoning!! yaaaaaaaaay...ill def have pics later...but for now here is just a little nugget for you to enjoy...

random...oh well

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Y'all don't even KNOW how this woman gets my insides feelin...OHH i just feel like screamin YES GIRLLL UH OHHH YOU TELL IT HONEY!!! at her while she's basically what it was like at the Alicia Keys concert with Joey...just watch it...she is amazing...

And while you are at might as well watch this is srsly one of my fave videos...I dont know why I find it hilarious/amazing but I might be the way she talks

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My New Fave Song!!! AHH

Dan (@pakisdan) on twitter had tweeted this song and it is now my new fave song!!! The bass is sooooo hott! I reminds me a lot of Pass That make sure you aren't just using crappy laptop speakers when you listen to it - plug in yo headphones or get some real speakers :) It's called "When The Bass Drops" by Jupiter Rising feat. LADY TIGRA!!! <3

I am convinced that any song that has a siren in it is absolutely hot...and now whenever I hear a fire truck drive by I start droppin it to the ground...

kk i'm off to go pop my coochie to it some!!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Diva Move of the Century: The Fluttering Messiah

I saw this video a while ago and could not resist informing everyone of its diva moves...

Skip to 6:16. The move she performs is called The Fluttering Messiah which transitions into The Melting Flower. Only Whitney can handle its complexity so beware when attempting to perform it at your local discoteca.

If you are not aware of the normal Messiah...check this video out at :39

Now you all know how to be Diva performers...


I was really busy today...well busy as in I had to hit up the mall, Starbucks AND play tennis. I woke up around 12:30 and didn't do anything til about 3. I went to the mall because I had to buy some pants for work and ended up filming some stuff - most of which sucks. But I did go to this sketchy location behind a school and filmed some stuff! Check it out!

This is such a good pic! It is now my desktop background!

After that I went to the tennis courts with Brielle and Joey. There were a ton of like 9 year-olds there for some reason so I felt a little bad that I was screaming out things like "WHORE", "GIRRRL OH NO MAAM" and "JUST PUT IT IN" while we hit the balls around...oh and THEN we played tennis ;) We of course had to go to starbucks and get a cool refreshing beverage. I was a fatty and got a vanilla bean frap :/ Joey got an iced chai latte and Brielle got an iced black tea lemonade. We sat outside and gossiped about DP and stuff...I have some hilarious video from it that I will be posting soon!! It is srsly TMTH.

This is where we played tennis. I was sitting on the track and taking random pics of stuff...and a video of Joey and Brielle's entrance...

The remains of a vanilla bean frap...looks kind of extremely disgusting...

Then we didn't know what to do so we went to play on a playground...The swings had mud under them and let's just say i had a hard time getting off............................There was also a track there and Joey and I decided to time ourselves doing 1 lap around it...Considering I haven't run since January and I was barefoot, I think 70 seconds is pretty good for a 400...ugh I'm so outa shape. Oh and we found this rope-climbing-thing to climb on...

There is Brielle...WORK
Joey and my foot...looka like he 'gon cut a ho
Now I am off to learn the menu for my restaurant tonight! Ahhhhh Hope everyone has a good week!!!!


Dan :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

YOTD (Youtube of the Day): MAY I GET A COFFEE PLEASE?!

I am currently obsessed with this video. @joeyjawcut linked it to me and said "this is going to be you getting ready for 789"...which is so true. Y'all better get outa my way if I haven't had my coffee yet!

Gisele is amazing. She's gorgeous, skinny and her voice is sexxx. Like seriously what hasn't she done a commercial for?! She seems to be everywhere now. She is...the one ;)

Who is your favorite model (male/female)?

If orgasm had a gelatinous form, it'd be Pinkberry

Pinkberry is like heaven on, not Britney's Heaven on Earth, that masterpiece was a showcase of excellent vocal ability mixed with infinite potential!*heavy sarcasm* (when was the last time you heard someone say Brit had good vocals?...oh really? never?) For those of you who don't know what Pinkberry's not the Virgin Mary's Baby Jesus is sweet, melt-in-your-mouth, oral fun...and that is NOT the same thing. This is Pinkberry:

You can't tell me you wouldn't want to spend $7.00 to get that cold goodness in your stomach! But seriously, it's amazing. If you've never had it get on over to NYC or LA and try it out! No joke, get on a plane, flag down your nearest Sherpa caravan, crawl, teleport, text Aladdin and get his ass to magic-carpet-ride your ass there...I DONT KNOW MAKE IT HAPPEN

There are 3 different flavors and numerous toppings including raspberries, strawberries, fruity pebbles, almonds, and pineapple...just to name a few. I prefer Pinkberry because despite popular belief I am allergic to nuts. You say "WTF does that have to do with anything?!" Well, other frozen yogurt places have peanut flavored yogurts and more toppings that would KILL me. Hence, I keep my skinny, unhealthy, frail body far away from those places...and no, I'm not Lindsay Lohan.
They also have a kick-ass jingle song that basically says ice cream is for FATASSES... Go check out their site!!

If you've ever had it let me know what you think about it!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Foliage and a video WTF


I just went for a walk to get away from studying and ended up taking some crappy pictures for you guys!! I also made a quick update vid on mallowtalks so make sure you check that out!

I am NOT a photographer nor do I try to be one. But I went out set my camera on the "foliage" setting so everything looks greener and i took some pics. I used the flash because it makes a cool effect :) I'm such a loser...

This first pic is some crap...along with the 2nd thru 5th pics

I don't even know wtf this's not even pretty


gross...that is soooo overgrown

wtffff I have no life

Well these are all gross pictures, I regret posting them now...ugh oh well...and don't worry I'll never put them on the right side of the blog again...I'm just too lazy to upload them again because I don't know how to easily fix it...ugh

Keep on voting everyone!! I need you all to tell someone you haven't told yet! I am in 10th now and need to PUSH IT these last 9 days!! Thanks everyone so much over these past 2 months!!

Well, I am off to study now. Wish me luck...hopefully I'll be able to learn 2000 years of mathematical history in the next 3 hours...


OH! What do you guys think of my banner???? I was going to add pictures to it somehow for blogtv but haven't figured out how I want to do it yet...

kkbi I'm over it~!
Dan :)

Perez, Ross, Armani, Photoshoot

Originally uploaded by mallow610

So I just found out that you can post stuff right to your blogger account from flickr. Nothing to interesting here...just trying it out...i cant sleep and have to be up to study for a final in 3 hours...oh well...

This is a pic of the stuff Ross sent me that Perez gave away at his birthday party! It had cafe bustelo coffee, an american apparel tshirt, a cafe bustelo tshirt, a YMI jeanswear tshirt which sadly fits my body even though it's a small in junior girls...well it doesnt goes on...then i got some shampoo and conditioner from Ookisa, some 5 gum, and Zihr bar soap that smells orgasmic!!! Sorry about how my armani trunks are showing...i guess that shirt is too short :/

OH!! I will be posting a video about the stuff that Perez sent me as well as the package that Becca sent me! (that i still have not opened...Oops)

OK that's it...I am going to fail my final now! kkbi i'm over it
Dan :)