Today I was driving back to school and there was an accident that caused me to be stuck on a bridge for about 30 minutes!!! AND I AM TERRIFIED OF BRIDGES! like all those cars were stuck on top of it and all that was going thru my head was that it was going to collapse under all the weight of the cars...i know they build bridges to withstand such force...but U NEVER KNOW...(the pic is of me while i was on the bridge...)
One time when i was like 7, my family went to san francisco for vacation...and they wanted to walk across the golden gate bridge...i was like UM NO...walking across that bridge is just insane and i wouldve flipped out!
but other than my fear of bridges, my only other main fear is spiders...i freaking hate them! One time when i was younger, i used to make these things called creepy-crawlers...its like this gel crap and you put them in molds and then heat it and it makes a solid creature thing...(anyone remember them?!) . . . so anyway i was going through my playroom and saw one...so im like.."oh im going to go pick it up"...well...i did...and SWEET LIBERTY IT WASNT A CREEPY CRAWLER IT WAS A FREAKING SPIDER AND IT CRAWLED UP MY WRIST..................that could be the reason why i'm so afraid of them...
anyone else have interesting fears?...well mine arent interesting...but whatev
on a lighter note..i am obsessed with La Pequeña!! check out her vids theyre hilarious and creepy lol!!!
i guess that's it for today! im off to do homework.......or more likely...going to play smash brothers!~
Haha, I remember creepy crawlers! I made those things too. I am also terrified of spiders. I don't even know why since I don't recall a specific incident happening, like you picking up the spider, that would cause me to be afraid. But yeah, they are creepy!
I loved creepy crawlers as a kid!
I don't really have any phobias, but ever since I was little I freak out and get goosebumps ALL over my body at the sound of ripping paper. I have no idea why...even just thinking about it makes me shiver!!
spiders suck mayjah!
that pic is disgusting
seperate your tags with commas
happy monday
just thought id leave some constructive critcisms :)
i'm scared of failing at anything.
and bugs, snakes, sharks, getting fat/ugly, dying, etc. i have a long list. i'm a mess.
My sister died choking on food and ever since I've had a phobia that I'm going to die by suffocation somehow. I once went into shock from allergies and now when I get a little asthma, sometimes I get panicky. If I sleep in a weird position, I'll stop breathing and it triggers nightmares and I'll wake up struggling to breathe.
patrick...omg i "forgot" about my fear of failure! im such a perfectionist! ayy
dalebert...oh no! im sorry to hear that about your sister.
heck yes...creepy crawlers were a fundamental part of my childhood!
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