Sunday, April 6, 2008


so its kind of april 6th now...SORRY...pretend i posted this april 5th!

so...I am getting so sick of the gossip pages talking about amy winehouse...that crack whore never does anything interesting! and they post every freaking day about her...and can the bitch look good for ONE picture?! UGH but i do love her music :)

i cannot wait for mariah's surprised it took her so long to release another one since her last one came out. gawd i dont even know when it comes out..i should probably check on that...

I didn't do much today at all...i slept til 11 and did nothing until i had to work...and now im home updating my stuff and checking all my blogs/youtubes/twitter/myspace/emails.....GAWD so many passwordS!!@

but ok im out for today...well not really... ill post again later!!

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