Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Pants On The Ground
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Avatar Tutorial and New Clothes
Thanks to everyone who has watched/commented/tweeted with respect to the video! :) If you need advice on make-up or anything beauty related I suggest checking out the following youtubers.
Allthatglitters21 - Elle
Elle was the first person to get me addicted to watching make-up tutorials. It's funny because I honestly have no interest in make-up, but the videos are insanely relaxing/mesmerizing... I think...
Juicystar07 - Blair
From Elle, I found Blair and my late night tutorial sessions with @jstevens428 grew even more intense.
Petrilude - Josh
I don't remember how I found his channel...but he is ridiculously talented...his halloween looks are shockingly realistic. I always get hooked with his "ALRIGHT SO...." at the beginning of most of his vids lol!
ps...I got some new clothes from Express...I might do an Express HAUL video but IDK yet! Here is a shirt that I recently purchased on sale for $30!! LOVES IT

Saturday, January 2, 2010

hey guys! so my car is a black 1993 acura integra named Dracula...and it is a piece of crap. The heat only works on occasion and if i am really feeling cold i take my umbrella and pound under the dashboard to try and make it work. Over the past 3 years it has been so finicky...ew i 89 years old? wait yes, yes i extreme climates (over 90 degrees or under 15) it decides not to start...we've taken it to the mechanic so many times but they can never fix this morning i attempt to start it to go to work, but no...bitch does not wanna start...long story short, i text jenn (HAPPY BDAY!) asking if she could drive me...luckily she wasn't doing anything despite being her bday! So now i am on break at work for 1.5 hrs without a car...i need starbucks sooooo bad too! thought i'd blog and show you what i am eating for lunch...soo delish! loolol hope everyone is having a good day cuz mine SUCKS so far... at least tonight ill be going to jenn's to get wasted offa diet coke!!