SDUGHASH i'm so mad! for the past 3 weeks I've been watching a lot of movies online for one of my classes, and my uni limits our bandwidth basically I am about to go over the limit AGAIN. When this happens they basically slow down your internet connection to a speed slower than dial-up. It takes about 2 hours to load a 4 minute youtube basically I do not want to go over again. If this happens more than once per semester they investigate because they think you are sharing files or something. I'm so sick of it! I'm seriously about to get one of those wireless cards from verizon instead of dealing with my school. You'd think that since I pay $6543211543 a year I could get unlimited internet usage...OK I'm done..and this is why I haven't been able to post videos recently. I am at the library right now finally checking my @replies and such but I won't be able to watch youtube videos til at least Tuesday :(
sorry for this rant, but when I have to go to the library to do homework at 11:20pm in the rain it kind of sucks...and sorry if there are spelling errors in this, I don't feel like reading it...oh and my phone is about to die...I hope I don't get RAPED on my way back to my room...
oct.11.2009 hehe
2 years ago