So I decided to blog right now because I am sooo sick of studying for my math exam! I'm going to fail it and I don't even care. We are learning how to add and multiply...I KNOW RIGHT?!!? it's so hard though!! lol people are going to think I'm a total idiot now...ok well prove that shit then get back to me kk thx.
Desperate housewives was on last night and it was abs amazing!! I love how they went 5 years in advance because it created a whole new slate for characters to start off on. The only thing I didn't like was that Gabby was fat...she was the hot bitch on that show and I am saddened by her weight gain. At least she is forcing her old anorexic habits on her kids :) lol I'm such a great person...
Heroes is on tonigth but I can't watch it...I will catch up another day...
Other than that, there is nothing else going on with me! This week is goingt o be so hectic. Ihave 2525 things due and 35245245 exams...and I have about 3 videos in my head and 2 ofthem are already written ...not to mention all the footage I have from Cali and Texas that I need to go through. UGH NO TIMEEEEE
Oh..and this is from the some weird banned pokemon episode where hes a

So...adios for now mis amigos!~!!!!
OMFG! Xtina looked super FIERCE she killed it...tyra eat ur heart out.
haha! i watched dh last nite too and gabby was fat! haha. did i tell you i started a blog now! haha.
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