so I'm feeling a little better today, but im still really congested...i hate it...Today it was absolutely gorgeous outside so i was basically outside the whole day!...and as a result...i got burned! AHH

My face is totally red and as u can see my arms are crazy!..i was wearing a dif shirt at the time thats y the tan line is there :(
So now i have nothing to do tonight! kinda sucks but i'm also relieved cuz this past week has been hoirrible between all the exams i had and on top of it all i got sick. But desperate housewives starts back up tomorrow!@!! IM SO EXCITED!!! is anyone else as excited as i am? .. . . or what shows do y'all follow? I am basically American Idol, Desperate housewives, Ugly Betty, and Heroes...if i get addicted to any more then ill be attached to the tv so i better not@!!!
So i guess that is all from me today!!! if you have anything you want me to discuss go ahead and send me ideas!..except the election :\ . . . i dont really follow it and i know i should...but oh well...
kk off to starbucks!!!!
adios chiquitos~
I would like to relieve you your sun burn, because here in germany there is rainy and cloudy weather since weeks. I havn`t seen a single episode of DH, but maybe I will in the future. I watch more stuff like House, Monk, CSI, Navy NCIS, Bones, Close to home, Without a trace, Law and order, Cold Case, Supernatural and so on. Definitely to much :) Oh and the german idol search version.
Have a nice sunday and greets
WOW u have more shows than me! I've limited myself tho :( and im sorry for the sucky weather! its been really good over here lately :)
omg i love all the shows you watch. i watch way to much tv and get none of my college work done. theres just too many to count and i'l probly run out of space if i name them all. but anyway, i watch all your youtube vids and think they're great, the toptens are my fave. i swear when i get an account some day i'l subscribe. im also thinking of getting a blog on here so maybe you can check it out someday. anyway i'v rambled for long enough, see ya!
ahh alina you should get a youtube account now!!! its so much fun to comment on everyone's videos!
NO, Dan. You should not follow the election. I, for one, say kudos to you for washing your hands of that foulness.
You look buff in that pic...
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